When I started with my LED-dress, I wanted something cool to wear over it. Once I saw this Galaxy dress, I knew that it was the perfect fit.
How to make a twinkling LED-dress
I’ve always wanted to do more with wearable electronics, so when I found myself with some extra time in my life and saw this great example of a dress with LEDs, I had to make one for myself.
I decided to document my process too, in case others were interested in how i did it.
I’ve made a separate blogpost on how to make the galaxy dress I wear over this LED dress.
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I have also documented all my mistakes, or things I would have done differently now I know better, in this blogpost, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes.
But before you already head off to another page, lets make a LED-dress!
How to make a twinkling LED-dress – the technical specs
Here I will go into detail about some of the technical stuff I used to make my LEDdress
I will talk about: